Nutritional Value as per 100g Fat :0.89% Protein :1.02 Carbohydrates :37.50% Energy : 156.66 Kcal Total suger :28.020% Trsnsfat less than :0.89% Sodium :850 mg Recipes: Very popular sauce but with special cinese blend of spices & natural herbs.
Weight: 60g, 200g. 700g. 2kg. 5kg. 22kg. 25kg. Nutritional Value as per 100g Fat : Traceable Protein :0.38 % Carbohydrates :6.54% Energy : 27.77 Kcal Suger (Total) :4.90% Recipes:A local variant of the hot Tabasco Sauce, Capisco can set your tongue on fire! Pou Chong’s Capisco Sauce bears the mark…